Thursday, September 19, 2024

wanna treasure hunt across the universe, too?

This Is Your Reward On Steroids” -God

SHIP NAME: I, Vanguard (I.V.)

CAPTAIN: LtCol. bb9

CREW: seven tall, thin, young women

PASSENGERs: 0-90, baby, in less than undoubtedly

The earthly ‘Thesaurus’is fraught with no textures of the infinite, leaving no fuel to alleviate our infinite imagination; however, just imagine the bloody insanity of a surplus-size, Pleasure-Beyond-Measure, Beyond-Beautiful-To-Behold, richerry-chocolate-coconut-Frapps which we have on board our savvy bay.bee.ship!! ...avec mon beret rouge. Too kooky! Too groovy! Lemme in, ya fruitcake.eXe (= eternityXeternity)!!

After the Rapture, fulla hot-rod-love in the gaudy vault of the Godude, we’ll have many, many years of fun, fun, fun before gettn to our easy jobs - mine is gonna be exploring the universe, too, with young, schizo, phat, barbaricly-bizarre-knockMdeadbabes. Q: How may I serve you, doll, as we travel across the stars? A: Ncite’m withe Troof!! How? Here’s one scenario, one of astronomical zzzillions.

Know how a light-saber deflects? Exactly. As a 7th-degree/nunchucks, so I too gotta‘dislike’for nefarious, brainless roadkill who hurt girls. perfectXMple: cloaking-device. Jungle. Young women held captive. Bikes. Binoculars. Brazenly mad calm. Blazin’firepowa. SSSmokin’ ruins, baby. Dont yet know wot hit’m in the nasty. Freedom. Lead’m. Cuddle withem. Calm down. You’re exceptional. If you take half, you take tyleNsome. Don’t take tyleNall. They ain’t worth it.

Though we had 888 hours to a day on this rag-tag, weeerdOworld which was literally ‘out-there’(teeny-weeny-coffee-kitties? [swashbuckling clothes: the whole shebangwalking around asking if you’d pay for their drinks which is a total decoy; they’re morphed, space pirates with exorbitant tales), daylight was still passing like the fugacious storms of our existence; I zipped my leather a lil tighter. We agreed to meet at the bar after their browsing.

I saw many far-out-stores, synonymous with humor: tourist destinations called‘Universal WingNutts’. Ha. Lil’ tykes preparing, flying/trying dem tiny, three wheelers. Fly-away, child!‘De Rigueur’(French: high society - no doubt). An incomprehensible clothing store. ‘Kitty’s FeedNfrenzy’ - a literal fire-ant-farm. She’s an ant, too, a nice ant. A shop next door to d’bar: ‘Mayfly’- which shall help girls for flight.

Also! Yippee! several multillion, exotic, untamed spaceports/earths on our souped-up-Yllions-journey b4 we turn‘round; countless, tiny asteroids,‘Moss Wisely’- hustliNbustln, never sleeps, stationary orbit above a rocky planetoid which has this stimulating-drinkin-establishment on a quaint, cobblestone street. At last! A tavern!!

N’jexx is the barkeep/Yanko Moab, proprietor, superior-UXJanus-holograms, as it hands you a Raygun (drink);‘Fido scraps’ in a doggy dish (weird pretzels? Oi! Blimey! It sprouted bloody legs!! [gulp]) No charge for 7th Heaven, baby! Couldn’t get any MOE! cool shoes for this ex-punkUation.

Exquisite the signage, seeming to draw you in: a large, insane, neon sign high in the window -‘bucking bronco/moovNgroovn’(with a rider sitting backward). Cant miss the universe just like you can’t miss this: meet me at the Rong Way bar Upstairs, girls, just like the wrong side of town am I: like Ryder in the pub, sittin, smokin, awaitin Frodo, so I gotta lotta plans, too, ya verdant googleplexplex you. Love makes the universe go ‘round.

LemmeXplane how2Ba YOUTHwitheTRUTH, a stunning adornment for the Trinity, idyllic and indelible, from this crazYoungWildchild as yooNeye go on lottsa gobbsa alternative, fantastic, hypnotic, psychotic, BOMB!astic, full-size-reality, WooHooXtraGnarlyNRG, audacious! acrobatic! apocalyptic! adventures with Tommy guns, too.

 ‘Gather round, me wee lassies’spreadin-out the starry sky map.

Yes, girls, we’ll certainly go back to d’B.O.M.M (Big Ol Majestic Mansion) on one of the milliquintrillions-ish of Homes to write as our endorphins calm down; we’ll do champagne/fondude as we toastNboast, loveNcuddle, sharing our spit after a shower. ain’t no showers in the Abyss, buddy. why? Satan is a LIAR.

 Wanna? Wannum?? Goto! Next post! Do those 4, girl gorgeous!

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