Thursday, September 19, 2024

Here’s the deal, Fe-girls (Fe: Latin: IRON): be malleable iron

sHe sed to me in prayer:

‘Look how cells divide 2B1’:

O? Where does God say humans cannot make love in Seventh-Heaven? Hmmm. Don’t see it. Haven’t heard. Bible don't say1wurd. What precisely is the Elysian Fields, that legendary Blessed Abode but the vineyard-of-vice-versa-love?? Exactly what I’m gonna do: massive amounts of lovey-dovey-for-eternity, Miss Green Cadet, ya precious, lil fox you. If we keep our eyes on the party-hardy-Uptown, bypass the superficial/transitory nature of this finite existence and see what sHe sez on the following post, God sez, and I quote, ‘Be fruitful! Multiply!!’ How much I❤️U, girly-girl, ya luxurious OUR glass you. sHe hath given unto I a victorious love which envelops everything, even a day beyond forever. Whether close friends or if you choose to have a child, or several, or a whopp’n 73-millinillion-babies with me (actuallyprocess takes twice to populate a Jupiter-size-world - think about it), doesn't matter; to place my seed inside the Trinity with faith, love, morality; to love and serve you, absolutely nothing else matters to me.

* [skip this F you wanna exult God alone] so y’wanna populate the universe, doya, Wonder Woman? Me, too. Not because I’m hedNjured or a passion 2B1, but because I wanna love, love, love; more, more, more - the explosive expectations are endless; the possibilities are intertwined/exponential in 7H. Loving is exciting; procreation is extremely fun especially how I do it. Sorry. I love to make love. We gotta talk, spacegirly!! How? The Rong Way cafe: be there! Or be Miss Impaired!! Here’s one Way outta 73ish millinillion, babe: there’s a secret room in the depths of my spacecraft under lock-and-key which I’ll only show you if you come aboard (*i entered, soft TchaikovskyV went rrrockinballistic for ten days of cosplay). Far-and-away too complicated for any earth language which grossly compromises the rare passion and warmth; the ‘zeitgeist’ I’ll show the girls who are literally ‘outta-this-world’ is truly unbelievable.

* know how a heart is one of the 4 suits in any card game? Precisely. Infinite, magnificent heart I received plus a very tall, white spaceship shaped like an oval diamond. Thus, three-ish hours of night on Kodexx (home world/another universe - I better take you: 100,000ish solar systems in this galaxy alone? dude, you’d be so lost without GPS)? Springing-up from the earth, brilliant diamonds greet the moonlight with great fervor; they bask in baby glee in their sparkles: ‘O! 2B1 again!!’ they cry. ‘Yes, lil1, you can! Lemme dig you up!! We can do the incorruptible aboard to POW!er by thy fuel!!’ Even the indelible stones feel love toward their Creator no matter if they have a wee-bit-O BOMB!astic/flatulation in their youth. 

* did I mention the Elite Academy of Madness? Yes, dear, it is certainly quite odd to follow God... yet the rewards are exponentially astronomical. Like a fleeting rumor, not everyone is accepted nor, I should say, is everyone interested. Set high upon a hill, gleaming white, primeval architecture overlooking a vast lake with tiers, not too far from the mansion, stands a 1,500!foot!rocket! purring-like-a-verbose-mountain-lion, perfect for stow-aways we’ll find (Of course! What alt.story would be complete without’m?) the only girls’ school on this extreme world. Preparing for rrroughly 37ish minutes, they’re bloody brilliant: flesh and blood, emerging from the womb, yet they also have 21-year-girls-moxie others don’t: XactlyY: X-tra-Y

* from ninja shooz to onesie-white-uniforms, my Female crew will attain these three badges above their R chest (with frills on the collar - girls love adorable frills): newbie-leafgreen to bubblegum-peach to neon-diamond. Don’t like rank, never have, yet grrr! gotta: wanna stay for the entire voyage? oemnillion years? We’ll talk beforehand at my pad with cupsOkofefe/space schnaxx. Im shureUshall: I’m a wildNcrazy guy. Even the dancing-boogie-ants salute us now as they realize I’m nuts on my humanoid planetoid with L0TR mountains, lakes, lush forests, blue sky: TOTALLY pristine! TOTAL genesis! Glory2God!! Kodexx is a magnificent world, smaller than Jupiter, filled with succulent-iron-pods, never thirsty ...yet gotta move-on to \o/

* pretty massive, spacegirl, is my ship: slightly longer than the KingKongEmpire State Building, 1,500! feet in length and wide like a football field with bleachers on either side to hold this groovy love seeping-out. Not gonna though. Me gonna keep it.

* every, single, gorgeous girl who comes aboard? I gotta, dollface! I wanna wash your feet/give you a most delicious back rub!! How I love you; I wanna see you ultimately fulfilled on our voyage for however long. And if you think of some other savory niceties while flying? Radio the helm; I’ll have the crew take over and swiftly travel down to your cozy cabin where I’ll find once the door opens... whoa... lottsa priceless, adorable, magnificent, exotic, wildNwooly girls ...?? Wha ...?? Must have snuck in. Yay! Must have kissing contests like in the prehistoric times on earth, too.

This Is Your Reward On Steroids” <- sHe actually sed to this sinner not too long ago: ‘our minds are intertwined withe Vine’:

be 1 with me in the starry sky.

Let’s finish this Divine Masterpiece, babydoll! Love me back by doing the ultimate-treasure-hunt: if you board my spacecraft, you must love me + vice-versa-arsenal = yummy puddin pi Class! Pay attention!! An ‘Oemnillion Omelettes’ is just below the number‘forever’ which y’gotta break a lotta eggs; however, ponder OxOxO which is 3X as many! 3X as lengthy!! 3X as far!!! Yummy’n the tummy: only a mere ‘\O/ fait accompli’ ...yet this could still take OxOxO. So the mission, girls, should you choose to accept this message: in the middle of quite a few galaxies, probably not the Milky Way, there’s a much-larger-than-Betelgeuse library? play-ground? vacation? basically in this lifelong monstrosity, everything is possible, every fantasy, every desire, all for us and our wants... but, yet, the coolest-cotton-candy part? You can literally‘step-into’ (ie: open some book or zine and do either what the invisible ink leadsU2 or make-up your own) those delicious/pulp fantasies, return unharmed for as long as you wish, i-scream which whispers‘bumper-car-ism’ inside thy mouth withe deluxx-dollop-of-delicacy (WARNING: contents maybe too fast, lil1) or HeeHee you may find one enigmatic info which’ll propelU2find \O/ ...and move-on to the next level! Kee-rash, baby!! Score!!! Ain’t God stimulating? And all who wanna realize I'm a lil crazy? Hitch a ride withis Wayne’s-World-Wildchild; I’ll showya who’s nuts

Yawnot, dudette. Lemme describe my Major-Adrenaline-spacecraft, xx-tra-insanity-size: my velvet starship is ultra-screeeemin-fast; my blazin-boogafive-overdrive: has Yin/Yang-swing-sets for us, tons of specialFX-water-slides, unforgettable-motorcycle-rides across the stars without CFCs which Bore E. Alice; floating above the bed (or anywhere) is quite awesome, too. And dogs, dogs, also dog-like-centaurs! In my universe, God can do anything, nthn left to our wild-child-imagination: as many lost dogs as we can find on our journey which’ll be in hyperstatis in flight, yet once we touch down on a gargantuan, hospitable world, they’ll go free outta the hold... yet, first, I gotta tell’m I love‘m gathered in a circle, smellin dem delicious smells in the wilderness. How I♥️U. Then! VAMOOSE!! Nobody to put a leash on you for E T E R N I T Y!! Can you just imagine the population on a world such as Joora in only 10 years or, going through a wormhole to another dimension, in 1,000 years?? Whooooooooooooooooooooooole lotta pups with frizbees. Yowza. Awwwsome. Though they have four, frisky paws, they’ll talk in quiet, fluent speech; all of em living in concord, their magnificent, mischievous tuxedos in the ‘Land Where Love Rules’ - of course, dear, they’ll have neetOpockets not made by human hands.

Ready for a 10,000+ year journey, girls, with some offspring amidst the stars, too (I adore girls. They’re incredible witheir soft, x-acto-knivesI want’m, I need’m, I miss’m. I’ll be busier than a portable, formidable clothes hanger 24/7)? READY?? Let go of your judgmental conformity or you won’t be - had faaar too much verbal abuse; I will not allow backbiting and gossip on board, is that understood?? I want extremely mature-yet-playful, brainy, frisky-quips-girls who love to party-hardy. And stunning teeth, too. Love to neck. That’s an order. How mucha wanna betcha I gotcha?

FIRST DESTINATION: a planet called ‘Joora’: like earth, a huuuG.E. sun with 50-70-degree-climate year round but completely barren without us ...or is it? No, wait. Delicious, tiny, ‘lemmon drops’ which is a frizbee-disc-race fulla vimNvigour from the trees; they’ll fill-you-up in moe ways than one HOW FAR: middle of my galaxy (which has walls built by God to keep-out the kooks which arise from sinkholes seeking whom they can devour) Q: thus, can a mere mortal however proficient build an ‘enorrrmous blockade’ for light years, across the vast expanse of time, instantaneously, covering our galaxies? A: riiight.

SHIP NAME:‘.357-magnum-rocket’<- sideOfuselage; other side ->‘...which’ll blow, you, away, baby’. NOTE: brrr! grrr! would somebody close the door? you're lett’n deep-space!! who opened a patio-door to catch a souvenir while I’m driving?? that’s funny? agreed. juss as you cannot kill the universe, doll, you cannot kill the mag NOTHER NOTE! when we reach 7th Heaven, victorious vixens, I’ll explain 9-month-b4play. Not now. Extraordinary, inexhaustible, exhilarating surprises await U.S. in the savvy reality beyond. Wannum? Meet me in the Great Beyond. I will not disappoint. Dudette! If roughly 1,000 Jupiters could fit inside the sun; roughly 1,300 earths could fit inside Jupiter; mega-gobbsa-solar-systems could fill this universe alone, we gotta lotta space to fill with our electric XTC!!

CAPTAIN: LtCol. bb9 - c’est moi!

SHIP SHAPE: 7-hefty-stories, 4-picture-windows for each room, 3-nuke-thrusters, 1 chapel for weddings:“I want it all, babydoll”; spacious showers for each; sauna, gym/racquetball/far!out!arcade, laundry tombs, XX-box, cycling (planet/stationary), Monty-Python-movies (or YOU, girls, as the star/me as sidekick) with tons of popcorn/fav pizza in abundance every night at 7:47ish ...and a super-duper-deep-futon/xtra-large-King-Size-bed in each. Poifect for sleepovers. I love you, girls-withe-pearls; I wanna do ‘nthn-besides-everything’before your departure to a priceless, sparklin’ world free of bugs. tok2me Upstairs, babe; see if anything’s missing from our glorious eternity

CREW: now twelve! tall, thin, mature, stunning-yet-adorable, quiet-yet-moxied-women in pink, cocky berets awaiting orders (leaving a spaceport):‘why donta youse checka for stow-aways while I prepare for launch?’say I (we’re all 21-level-Aikido anyway)

PASSENGERs: 0-90, baby, in less than undoubtedly

WHEN-WE-RETURN: we’ll git our Guardian Angels to help draw raw, exquisite cartoons of our joystick-journey which makes for exorcism excellence. ‘Vade Retor, Satana! Ispe Venena Bibas!!’ -St. Benedict. Dang varmint


The earthly ‘Thesaurus’is fraught with no textures of the infinite, leaving no fuel to ignite! our infinite imagination; however, just imagine the bloody insanity of a surplus-size, Pleasure-Beyond-Measure, Beyond-Beautiful-To-Behold, richerry-chocolate-coconut-Frapps which we have on board our savvy bay.bee.ship!! ...avec mon beret rouge. Too kooky! Too groovy! Lemme in, ya fruitcake.eXe (= eternityXeternity)!!

After the Rapture, fulla hot-rod-love in the gaudy vault of the Godude, we’ll have many, many years of fun, fun, fun before gettn to our easy jobs - mine is gonna be exploring the universe, too, with young, schizo, phat, barbaricly-bizarre-knockMdeadbabes. Q: How may I serve you, doll, as we travel across the stars? A: Ncite’m withe Troof!! How? Here’s one scenario, one of astronomical zzzillions.

Know how a light-saber deflects? Exactly. As a 7th-degree/nunchucks, so I too gotta‘dislike’for nefarious, brainless roadkill who hurt girls. perfectXMple: cloaking-device. Jungle. Young women held captive. Bikes. Binoculars. Brazenly mad calm. Blazin’firepowa. SSSmokin’ ruins, baby. Dont yet know wot hit’m in the nasty. Freedom. Lead’m. Cuddle withem. Calm down. You’re exceptional. If you take half, you take tyleNsome. Don’t take tyleNall. They ain’t worth it.

Though we had 888 hours to a day on this rag-tag, weeerdOworld which was literally ‘out-there’(teeny-weeny-coffee-kitties? [swashbuckling clothes: the whole shebangwalking around asking if you’d pay for their drinks which is a total decoy; they’re morphed, space pirates with exorbitant tales), daylight was still passing like the fugacious storms of our existence; I zipped my leather a lil tighter. We agreed to meet at the bar after their browsing.

I saw many far-out-stores, synonymous with humor: tourist destinations called‘Universal WingNutts’. Ha. Lil’ tykes preparing, flying/trying dem tiny, three wheelers. Fly-away, child!‘De Rigueur’(French: high society - no doubt). An incomprehensible clothing store. ‘Kitty’s FeedNfrenzy’ - a literal fire-ant-farm. She’s an ant, too, a nice ant. A shop next door to d’bar: ‘Mayfly’- which shall help girls for flight.

Also! Yippee! several multillion, exotic, untamed spaceports/earths on our souped-up-Yllions-journey b4 we turn‘round; countless, tiny asteroids,‘Moss Wisely’- hustliNbustln, never sleeps, stationary orbit above a rocky planetoid which has this stimulating-drinkin-establishment on a quaint, cobblestone street. At last! A tavern!!

N’jexx is the barkeep/Yanko Moab, proprietor, superior-UXJanus-holograms, as it hands you a Raygun (drink);‘Fido scraps’ in a doggy dish (weird pretzels? Oi! Blimey! It sprouted bloody legs!! [gulp]) No charge for 7th Heaven, baby! Couldn’t get any MOE! cool shoes for this ex-punkUation.

Exquisite the signage, seeming to draw you in: a large, insane, neon sign high in the window -‘bucking bronco/moovNgroovn’(with a rider sitting backward). Cant miss the universe just like you can’t miss this: meet me at the Rong Way bar Upstairs, girls, just like the wrong side of town am I: like Ryder in the pub, sittin, smokin, awaitin Frodo, so I gotta lotta plans, too, ya verdant googleplexplex you. Love makes the universe go ‘round.

LemmeXplane how2Ba YOUTHwitheTRUTH, a stunning adornment for the Trinity, idyllic and indelible, from this crazYoungWildchild as yooNeye go on lottsa gobbsa alternative, fantastic, hypnotic, psychotic, BOMB!astic, full-size-reality, WooHooXtraGnarlyNRG, audacious! acrobatic! apocalyptic! adventures with Tommy guns, too.

 ‘Gather round, me wee lassies’spreadin-out the starry sky map.

Yes, girls, we’ll certainly go back to d’B.O.M.M (Big Ol Majestic Mansion) on one of the milliquintrillions-ish of Homes to write as our endorphins calm down; we’ll do champagne/fondude as we toastNboast, loveNcuddle, sharing our spit after a shower. ain’t no showers in the Abyss, buddy. why? Satan is a LIAR.

 Wanna? Wannum?? Goto! Next post! Do those 4, girl gorgeous!

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